Course: SOFTENG 325
Compulsory course of Part 3, semester 2: SOFTENG 325 - "Software Architecture".
This course is distinctly divided into two parts, one about Java web stuff, and the other about "software engineering" in general, in an academic style. I think the course is badly-named (or badly-designed in general) - the Java web stuff doesn't seem very relevant to "software architecture".
- Part 1: around Spring Framework
- Dependency Injection
- "Dependency Lookup", Inversion of Control
- AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming)
- Jargon
- joinpoint
- pointcut (a set of joinpoints)
- advice
- aspect (advice + pointcut)
- *advisor
- proxy
- introduction
- AOP with Spring Framework
- Programmatically
- Declaratively
- Jargon
- "Distributed Object Middleware" (Java RMI - Java Remote Method Invocation)
- web services
- Really basic TCP, HTTP
- HTTP methods (aka verbs)
- Really basic TCP, HTTP
- ORM - Object-Relational Mapping/Mapper
- Spring DAO (Data Access Objects)
- Hibernate
- Transactions
- Various race conditions
- Lost updates
- Inconsistent retrievals
- Dirty reads (read before other's commit/abort)
- Premature writes (write before other's commit/abort)
- "Repeatable read"
- "Phantom read"
- Serial Equivalence
- Locking
- 2-phase locking
- exclusive lock
- Read-write lock
- Various race conditions
- "Security" (introductory cryptography)
- Symmetric/Asymmetric key cryptography
- digest hashes
- certificates and digital signing
- Basic concepts of Spring MVC
- Dependency Injection
- Part 2: software architecture
- Quality attributes
- The 6 system quality attributes:
- Performance, Availability, Modifiability, Security, Usability, Testability
- QAS: Quality attribute scenarios
- concrete QAS
- general QAS
- The 6 system quality attributes:
- "Structures" (which an achitecture often has many)
- "Views" of a structure (which a structure often has many)
- Common "tactics" for meeting quality requirements
- (a few tactics for each of the 6 system QAs)
- Architectural styles: examples
- Client/server
- Layered, or virtual machine
- Pipe and filter
- Creating architectures, given quality requirements
- "ADD" - "Architecture-Driven Design"
- Evaluating architectures
- "ATAM" - "Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method"
- "Utility tree"
- "ATAM" - "Architecture Trade-off Analysis Method"
- Documenting architectures
- "ADL" - "Architecture Description Language"
- Maybe using UML
- Document rationale, to allow for checking the architecture against quality requirements.
- "Tailor to" different audiences/stakeholders
- Software product lines: designing with variations
- "Measuring modifiability"
- OOP/OOAnalysis/OODesign: semantic coherence reduces potential changes
- "CRS" - Class Reachability Set
- CRSS - CRS size
- "SCCS" - Strongly Connected Component Size
- "towers" (at some large CRSS value) and "gaps" (between the tower and the vertical axis) (on the "class_count - CRSS value" histogram)
- Large dependency cycles
- Case study of Cecil, our "learning management system"
- Examples of usages of tactics to meet quality requirements
- Quality attributes